A few regular readers like the fact it’s the same size as the bottom of their budgie cage so they can use it twice.
But another greybeard sent me the following last night:
[For context; I am a retired teacher, have a pension, own a motorcycle (1984 Virago) and encouraged readers last week (in an article my editor entitled ‘Got seven bucks? Buy this book and get ready to act’) to read a G. Dyer article re climate change and buy The Little Green Handbook, “$5.99 at Chapters”.]

“GH, when I was a child of 10, and then again as a temporary hippie at age 18, I knew the adults were crazy. They were willfully blind to what was obvious to any child 40 or 50 years ago, that the path our society was on was unsustainable.”
“Now we've got greybeards, who probably used their cars for decades to commute to the job that now provides them with their gold-standard pension that enables them to sit home (when they're not riding their toys around) and write articles, telling everyone else NOW we should get ready to act ("get ready" to act - ?!).”
“How convenient for them! And how typical - begin by spending money and consuming a book!”
“I say to the young, ignore the Suzukis and other hypocrites as they ignored you while they were blinded by their greed - we're all about to reap what we've sown, and prepare to be one of the few and toughest who might be lucky enough to survive!”
Alex L., greybeard
I’m going to reply to Alex as soon as I finish my coffee.
He might ignore my words but I hope he’ll accept my copy of The LGH after I’ve finished with it.
[Find my latest prize winning piece at The Londoner]
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