This is Canada and federal Environment Minister John Baird knows more about the environment and oil and gas and the positive economic impact of drag racing than any other person from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
He must. He’s a Minister. Of the Environment.
As well, he must have many very sound reasons to extend a reprieve on a total ban of leaded fuel for drag racing purposes in Canada. [Linked to The London Free Press]
In fact, I bet he’s got 29 million of them.
Baird’s motto: Go ahead, boys. Start your engines, fly down a quarter mile track and break some kind of speed record. Racing’s economic impact - $29 million worth - is vital to all Canadians.
Well, not all Canadians. Though a ban on leaded fuel for competition was to be banned as of January 2008 and was given a free pass until Jan. 2009 by Baird a few months ago and extended recently to Jan. 2010, I think the original ban should be upheld and drag racing teams expected to find another way to compete in vehicles with four wheels.

I wonder, what else can they do for good times?
[Visit Four Mugs for The Last Days of Driving free book give-away.]
"Lead exposure is most serious for young children because they absorb lead more easily than adults and are more susceptible to its harmful effects. Even low level exposure may harm the intellectual development, behaviour, size and hearing of infants. During pregnancy, especially in the last trimester, lead can cross the placenta and affect the unborn child. Female workers exposed to high levels of lead have more miscarriages and stillbirths."
The priorities of the Conservative government remain fixed on what's really important. Really.
sean, thanks for the visit and link to cmaj, a very good resource.
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