While debates about the state of the global environment rage on many fronts, it is often hard to get accurate and relevant information about what is happening.
Just how serious are our environmental problems? And are we doing enough to deal with them?
[Canada's Environment Minister at work]
For example, how many people can the planet sustain? What are the long-term effects of continued environmental damage? How fast is the process of global warming? What are the implications of our continued dependence on fossil fuels? How much fresh water is available, and how long will it last?
The Little Green Handbook has the answers. Based on a massive amount of research, this user-friendly narrative is filled with up-to-date facts and figures about the most serious trends facing the planet.
[I paid $5.99 at Chapters. So don’t pay attention to the price listed at linked site.]
Also, visit Recommended Reading at Four Mugs for a few words about Heat by George Monbiot
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