Monday, September 10, 2012

It Strikes Me Funny: “Eat good!”

A recent news article inspired the following fill-in-the-blanks Health Tip exercise. (It will likely improve your life by 92%!)

[We should consume more ____ ? Why ____ ?]

Fill in the blanks below to create your personalized Health Tip.

_A_ said _B_ that I should _C_ and _D_ in order to _E_.

Select an appropriate phrase for each blank.

_A_  A doctor, A nutritionist, My grade four teacher, My mom, All of the above

_B_  in a recent report, in a new ground-breaking study, when I was a kid, over 50 years ago

_C_  eat more fruits and vegetables, consume less fatty or sugar-laden foods, watch what I eat, not eat so much crap

_D_  exercise regularly, purchase a bicycle, be active during recess, go outside and play until supper

_E_  maintain a healthy weight, develop a more-balanced diet, concentrate better on my studies, not turn into a slug 

["Mangoes and muscle go together"]

There, I feel better already.

[For article see Sept. 8 London Free Press]

[Photos by G.Harrison]


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