Saturday, May 12, 2012

Decluttering: “Why is this stuff in my sock drawer?”

I get the decluttering bug once or twice a year and it lasts, like a bad case of the flu, for about a week or until I take a prescribed number of boxes to the local Good Will or nearest curb.

The bug I’ve got at the moment may linger for more than a week because this morning, upon closer inspection, I discovered a wide range of crap (Is that being too unkind?) in my sock drawer. How can I even call it a sock drawer when there are more old birthday cards in it than pairs of socks? Good grief, I say.

So, I turned on some good tunes and cleaned up! Now my sock drawer is actually a sock drawer, even after pitching six pairs of size 14 Tommy Hilfiger socks I’ll never wear once, let alone again. (They come up over my knees!)

Punch line: Well, I wouldn't say you're over the hill... over the edge, maybe. But not over the hill.

[Photos by GH]


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