Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Things I Like in London 2

In a recent column I hoped to get readers thinking about what one could buy for 2 or 10 or 25 cents years ago and shared the memories of a local man, age 93.

I write: Mr. James recalled that 25 cents was once the price of admission to the Rex Theater (aka The Savoy) on Hamilton Rd. near Egerton.

I said that sounded pretty steep and Bert mentioned that people got more than a movie for their quarter.

He said, “They could buy sets of dishes as well, a piece at a time, though you’d have to pay more for some larger items.”

I had never heard of such a thing and scribbled ‘gravy boat - more $’ in my notes.

Later I asked readers, “So, did you ever see a John Wayne western with a teacup and saucer in hand, or The African Queen with a gravy boat in your lap? I’d like to know.

Two days ago H. McDonald of London emailed the following photo:

[H. McD.“My mother bought this at The Rex, 1945.”]

I like quick responses. I like seeing historic items of this nature. I like photographs from others that support what I write.  

Oh, and I like a particular memory the gravy boat recalled to my mind. Pass the turkey, please!


Please click here for Things I Like in London 1

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