Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Workshop: One library 'to go'

 Two weeks ago, after taking on my most recent building project, I discovered '' provided detailed plans for a standard 'free' library. Shortly thereafter, however, I decided to follow my nose and use some wood I had close at hand. 

I paid about $12 for plexiglass, hinges and a latch, so except for my very, very expensive labour costs, the price per unit is pretty low, i.e., for people who make a habit of rescuing lumber. 

The concept of recycling books is a good one, and though I spent more time building the unit than expected, if the idea catches on and I'm asked to build a few more, I could cut my time in half.

Will 'free libraries' catch on? Would you use one if it appeared in your neighbourhood?

Will I make my fortune and retire to The Bahamas?

[Photos by G.Harrison]


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