Until we get control of our insatiable appetite for oil, prepare to pay a lot more at the pump. Be prepared during the summer driving season to pay up to $1.50 per litre. And everything else associated with oil - food and other goods transported by truck and planes - will increase in price too. [Follow link to Letters from my homepage]
By ‘everything else’ I think Roy means just about everything else we consume on a daily basis without fully thinking about the consequences of our excessive actions. Burp.
So, if gasoline and everything else will soon cost more how can I possibly adjust?
Sure, I could reduce my driving, food intake and trips to the nearest mall and thereby save enough money to pay for next winter’s higher home heating costs but I’d like to do more than just save.
I’d really like to make a pile of cold hard cash and feel the weight of extra loonies and toonies bounce around in my pocket as I walk to the Red Roaster for my morning coffee.
Since it’s spring and Canadians love to get out of the house and shop instead of stay home to wipe winter’s dust off the venetian blinds I think a huge yard sale is in order.
I’ve got enough extra stuff I don’t really need or use to hold a real humdinger and kill two birds with one stone.
I’ll get a pocketful of cold hard ones and much-needed practice living with less.
Both will come in handy someday, maybe sooner than I think.
[Visit Four Mugs and a Crock for more about living with less]
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