In early June I wrote a brilliant post (no guff, go see) after receiving a batch of scrap lumber from a neighbour.
(Let’s call my neighbour Jason... because that’s his name).
The exchange was fairly informal.
“Want some scraps?” Jason asked.
“Sure,” I said.
Then I ducked while he threw them over our shared side fence.
The pieces of lumber became The Audrey Chair, so named because I discovered while cutting or sanding that Jason’s 6 year-old daughter had printed her name on what had become an arm rest.
["A million dollar signature?": photos by GAH]
He saw the finished product recently and said, “Because it has Audrey’s name on it I feel like I should buy it back.”
“I’ll come up with a price,” I said, while doing my best fisherman routine, tugging at a fishing line caught in a big sucker’s mouth.
Jason and I shared a good laugh about that. I think he knows I have him right where I want him.
So, how much to charge?
Not a hard question, is it?
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