Though the squirrels took out all three plantings of beans they left the cherry tomatoes untouched... thankfully. They’re finally starting to ripen.
Correction: The evil squirrels took out all bean plants but one. One lonely plant out of several dozen. Why one? To taunt me, I bet.
With a bit more sun each day I’ll soon be enjoying more than the four wee tomatoes I ate yesterday.
They were delicious... worth the wait.
How are your plants doing?
Our growing season in Reno is short. The "Early Girl" tomato variety was developed here.
We had our first cherry tomato last week. The rest are ignoring us.
Our peach tree is full & bursting. I am looking forward to having fresh peaches in the next 2 weeks.
Fresh peaches sound great, twinkelydots. Our apricot tree had millions of blooms, then cold weather snapped my hopes of a big harvest. Only four apricots remain.
Our cherry tomatoes are called Million Dreams and it looks like there will be almost that many!
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