(One brilliant thought: Deforest City is poor or citizens aren’t paying enough tax to support the type of lifestyle we desire.)
Daphne had something else to say in another letter to the editor:
“As a frustrated taxpayer, may I suggest, now that dog owners have their dog park... users bring work gloves and pull up weeds themselves.
Organize a community maintenance day if you can’t stand nature. Show some initiative instead of requesting more of our tax dollars.
Stop demanding. It’s just nature fighting back.” (July 28, The London Free Press)

["How important are dog parks? Depends on who you ask"]
Dare I read between the lines?
Why not... it’s my blog, after all.
I think Daphne’s the type of person that doesn’t like whiners. If there’s a dangerous weed near your dog then do something about it.
Daphne may also fear her taxes will go up if all the things built for citizens, including dog parks (are they frivolous, or what?), have to be maintained at taxpayer expense. I mean, where did that idea come from?
Daphne may also believe that tax cuts are the way to go.
Me? I don’t think enough Londoners are willing to pay the freight to maintain the lifestyle we expect or have already built for ourselves. Dog parks included.
I’ll pay higher taxes if asked, but there are higher needs to consider than dog parks.
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