Monday, July 13, 2009

Chris has a solution for the failing economy (but I don’t buy it)

Does this sit well with you?

The economy has taken a downturn and one man’s solution follows:

“I firmly believe the worst is yet to come unless we all begin to insist on buying from home.” signed Chris McF. (Letter to the Editor, London Free Press, July 11)

I agree with some of the background information he shared (i.e., “this downturn... is a problem that will not go away... foreign vehicle sales and the push for globalization have devastated our economies forever”) but not his solution.

Protectionism isn't fair trade.

If we only purchase what our own countries produce then the gap between have and have-not countries will only widen. Some have plenty of food for example, others no not. Trade is important.

However, we can easily reduce the number of foreign purchases we make by shopping for only essential items, with an emphasis on locally made goods.

[I think one benefit of the downturn is our growing awareness of what goods are essential and which are not. Our malls are loaded with non-essential items. I’d make a list but it would take forever to complete just the ABCs. Apples (from China), baby bottles (disposable plastic), conditioner for hair (and the plastic bottles it comes in), etc., etc.

So, Chris, thanks for the effort, but try reducing your spending in all areas. Even our own country (Canada) produces a lot of non-essential items.

I’d make a list but...


I'll try to come up with one item I can do without this week.


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