Friday, December 5, 2008

The Long Emergency: Peak oil has likely arrived. Now what?

The Long Emergency is a book 307 pages long and I’ve read 131 brilliant pages in the last few days.

So I’m 42.7 per cent smarter than I’ve ever been. [See Read This, right margin]

What have I learned so far?

Over the past hundred years “the human race has enjoyed an unprecedented orgy of nonrenewable condensed solar energy (cheap oil).”

We’ve likely burned half of it or more.

The rest will be harder and more expensive to acquire.

Everything we do, eat, produce and buy will become more expensive or scarce.

Equivalent amounts of alternative fuels are not on the horizon.

New technology will not come to our rescue.

We’re sleepwalking into a bog.

Maybe not a bog, per se.

As I read the last 176 pages I may discover it’s a swamp.

A long dark emergency of a bitter black swamp.

Stay tuned.


Will the future brighten or darken? A bit of both?


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