Sunday, December 14, 2008

Plan A and a Tip of the Hat to Cheap Oil

It seems that Plan A, during the age of cheap fossil fuels, is to burn them as quickly and as brightly as possible.

The benefits, of course, are numerous.

My house is so warm and cozy and my car is way cool and convenient.

“It is no exaggeration to state that reliable supplies of cheap oil and natural gas underlie everything we identify as a benefit to modern life.” pg 2, The Long Emergency [see Read This, side margin]

[We have all lived during the age of cheap oil: courtesy photo link]

I know we should be thinking about Plan B, and maybe C, but for the moment let’s tip our hat to all the things we know and love about Plan A.

“All the necessities, comforts, luxuries, and miracles of our time - central heating, air conditioning, cars, airplanes, electric lighting, cheap clothing, recorded music, movies, supermarkets, power tools, hip replacement surgery, the national defense, you name it - owe their origins or continued existence in one way or another to cheap fossil fuel. Even our nuclear power plants...”

As most of you know, the total list of necessities and comforts would reach into the tens of thousands. You can't have cheap food and clothing without hundreds of chemicals and fertilizers

That’s a lot of hat tipping, eh?

I'll give you a moment.


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