Monday, December 8, 2008

Pride Minister Harper: Nothing more than a control-taking separatist? Part 1

Pride comes before a fall.

I fell out of bed this morning thinking along these lines:

Our Prime Minister has a control-taking personality

He hides behind women’s skirts

If he was an animal he’d be a weasel

More thoughts emerged while I showered:

He may simply be a separatist from Alberta

Irish Spring soap smells good

If Harper wore a hood he’d be the evil emperor from Star Wars

I need coffee

Because Pride Minister Harper proposed an ideological plan two weeks ago to kill off his rivals in the House of Commons rather than work cooperatively with other parties on behalf of all Canadians, as he earlier said he would, it dawned on me that the PM has the wrong personality to be a political leader.

He’s a control-taker. He wants all the marbles all the time. Not good.

["Where are my marbles?"]

And he can’t cooperate.

Then, if others band together he runs down a hole crying “foul, foul,” like a weasel.

Stay tuned.


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