Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"Mr. Harrison, do you have a pen?"

The other day, I have a few nails in my mouth and a hammer in my hand when the phone rings inside my workshop. I'm Mr. Responsible. Of course, I pick up.

"Humm, hiya," I say.

"Mr. Harrison?" the caller says.

 I nod and say, "Uh hum."

"Is Pat there?"

I shake my head, and spit out the nails. "No. Sorry about that."

"There's been a change in her appointment time at the dentist's office. Do you have a pen?" says the receptionist.

I did have a pen. But no paper. I grab the first item handy with a clean surface and jot down the message.

And to this day, the message - with much love attached - remains a permanent fixture on my drill press.

Photo by GH


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