Anyone who has been inside my wee shop will think, I bet they'll be tiny... made from scrap lumber... and dusty.
Oh, they'd be so wrong.
Okay, my birdhouses are usually small but so are the tenants.
Made from scrap? Certainly - that's rule number one.
["Watch your fingers while making narrow cuts e.g. roof planks": photo GAH]
Dusty? I admit, I get dusty (I'm a bit crusty too sometimes - until laundry day) but dusty is such a relative term.
I'd rather say the birdhouses are bits of wood craft.
(Maybe even on their way to becoming folk art, sought after by enthusiasts willing to pay any price!! Sorry, I digress).
Definitely rustic.
I say rustic because the faces are made from century old barnboard, and I definitely grew more gray hair while cutting thin strips of roofing material on my table saw.
[Always make sure you know where your fingers are, and raise the saw blade only about 1/16 inch higher than the wood you’re cutting. Always).
Time well spent? Hopefully, a few birds will think so.
Do you have a birdhouse in your yard?
I’d like to see a photo, if you have time to send one along.
I love your bird houses. My son makes them too in his workshop (which he built himself, and it's a gem). I have no place to hang them. I have mostly hummingbird feeders, and though I know they do make houses for them, I have never known a hummer to use one.
Oh Gordie, you're really getting creative with your birdhouses, love the one with the little porch railing out front, that's my favorite of those of yours I've seen thus far!
I have many birdhouses but I bought them and then painted them for my shop, so don't have any that I've built myself to show you. Love to paint them though, and turn them into really decorative pieces that both the birds and the birdhouse owners can enjoy; and of course, I only use nontoxic paints and varnishes!
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