He came to mind when I added a few of the lessons I learned from my mother to my next column).
Many years ago, when she spotted me following some new trend, or I asked to buy a new toy because somebody else just got one, or I wanted to do something other than what she wanted, she used to say, “If Gary Thorne sat on a hot stove, would you?”
Geez, one time, all I wanted to do was wear my shirt with the top two buttons undone.
How did we get stuck on a hot stove?
(Trust me. I had some confused feelings at times. 1959 was a particularly whacky year, but that’s another story).
["My secret's out. I love used jeans.": photo GAH]
Now that I’m older I get what she was saying.
And, no, I wouldn’t sit on a hot stove if Gary did.
I’d say, “Get off the stove, eh. You’ll ruin your jeans, and a new pair of Levis aren’t cheap.”
Then I’d go on to say, if his pants were ruined, that he could buy good used jeans for $10 - 15 at Valu-Village.
“You buy used jeans?” he’d say.
“Sure. No more of this keeping up with the Thornes for me.”
Tell me about a lesson you learned from your mother.
And what is your favourite "used" purchase?
My Levis are in the top five right now.
Great lesson you learned; unfortunately, my mother was more of the 'keeping up with the jones' type, so didn't learn anything of great value from her in that department. She was a strange woman!
My favorite used purchase is a barberry raincoat I picked up at a thrift store for $5! It's in excellent shape, fits perfectly and I didn't have to spend tons of money to replace my old one.
P.S. Left something for you on my post today; hop over and pick it up when you have time.
A barberry coat - $5 - excellent score. I think I'll list my top ten used items. should be fun.
Mom was a Goodwill shopper so I had many used pieces of clothing. I continue to bargain shop and do the consignment store thing, it's in my blood I guess! Last winter I bought a NEW LL Bean wool cardigan for $8, in the catalog it's $79! When you have the time come read...
My Mom's words of advice that I remember because they were so insane:
"Learn to play bridge. It will help you get into better social circles."
"Cutting off your hair shows a sign of maturity."
Needless to say I've never learned to play bridge and you've seen my blog photos. My hair is long.
I am a big thrift store shopper. It's how I stock half of my store.
Hi Joycee,
$8 for a new LL Bean cardigan - you found a winner, Joycee. You reminded me of the 'throw-away sweater' I bought for the Boston marathon. I'll post as story later.
Gord H.
Hi twinkelydots,
very interesting advice from your mother; I half-understand the bridge advice - it was an opportunity to mingle.
But the short hair? I'm not sure about that one.
My hair is very short and I'm still waiting for the maturity!!
Everything I own if from a thrift store--Value-Village of ARC of Hennepin County. It would be pretty hard to to come up with one thing.
I think your blog is grand! Congratulations on your award. Stop by and visit sometime!
Oh, the lesson. My mom was a wise woman, and an amazing one. Among the lessons were these:
(1) Sometimes when things get too hard you just need to get in the back seat of the car and let God do the driving. (I do it when I remember!)
(2) Make a place in your house that is just for you. A place where no one else can come unless you invite them. (Still haven't done this.)
(2) You've got to watch your stress level. I can make your very sick. (Yup--I've learned that one the hard way, I'm afraid.)
Hi Kathleen,
Your three pieces of wisdom sound like healthy additions to any life.
Spiritual wisdom is hard to come by; I suppose I'd have to be a much better listener than I am.
I do, however, have a place I call my own - the shed (a wood shop; birdhouses are becoming an enjoyable hobby, something I picked up from my dad). No stress in the shed (or phones, clocks, deadlines etc.). It's a putter zone.
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