Unless you were listening to CBC Radio Canada yesterday and heard the short clip about people adopting new spending attitudes and dialing back their lifestyles - with a positive view to the future.
Since the recession is adjusting our materialistic attitudes faster than www.storyofstuff.com, David Suzuki, Al Gore, the Green movement, Elizabeth May and our last credit card statements rolled into one - with very good results for people and the planet - I think it’s time for a name change for the era in which we live.
Recession (even deep fried) is so yesterday.

[Age of reason?"]
I’m looking for examples or suggestions.
The Age of Austerity? Too austere.
Era of Frugality? Lousy sound bite. The media would revolt.
Age of Reason? Very good... but taken.
Period of Practicality? Practical... but too many syllables.
So, grab your dictionary and thesaurus (warning - this is not another example - I’ve moved on) and send me your ideas. Something upbeat.
And snappy. We all like snappy.
I've been thinking and here's what I came up with...
Historical Hysteria
Bailout Boom
Foreclosure Fiasco
Not exactly eras, but pretty descriptive of the daily grind we are all experiencing. This post stayed on my mind all day...good for the old brain!
joy c. at grannymountain
Very good, Joycee.
Historical Hysteria really goes well together.
Hopefully, we'll recover to a stable, sustainable state before hysteria kicks in!
Gord H.
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