Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Occupy Wall Street, occupy Bay: “Why?” PT 1

[“(Ernest Logan) Bell, who lives in Lansing, New York, is the new face of resistance. He is young, at home in the culture of the military, deeply suspicious of the (US) Federal Government, dismissive of the liberal class, unable to find work, and angry.” pg. 2, Death of the Liberal Class]

Some members of local and national media will express surprise when considering the occupation of Wall St. in the US and Bay St. in Canada, to name but two streets where a collection of people from various walks of life are gathering or have gathered to ask or raise questions or make bold statements.

“Why?” some will ask, often rhetorically.

“What does this have to do with anything? What are they trying to say?” some will add.

I read in a recent poll offered by Sun Media in a local paper (Oct. 20, The London Free Press) that 31 per cent of respondents felt, dismissively, the occupiers should just ‘go find a job.’

As I’ve been reading an international bestseller entitled ‘Death of the Liberal Class’ by Chris Hedges, I’ve encountered comments and ideas that may help the media and other observers (some unenlightened, others enlightened but resistant to any change to the status quo) answer for themselves and others the question ‘why’.

The following is taken from Hedge’s conversation with Ernie Bell, NY:

(Bell says,) I believe all signs point to a real systemic economic collapse in the near future... I assure you it’s going to hurt everyone, except of course, the corporate and banking elite... the political system as it stands offers little hope for influencing real change or social justice... we must stand in the streets and refuse to be silenced. We must reject corporate-controlled politics and focus on rebuilding a localized political structure and society. A revolution is the only alternative to complete surrender and defeat. pg. 3

["South Africa's symbol of justice": link to photo]

Why occupy Wall St. and Bay?

For starters...

fear of another economic collapse, harder on families and communities than the last one

the knowledge that the corporate and banking elite grow richer while an increasing number of families do not

the political system offers little help for positive change or justice for many individuals and families

to shake a fist at selfish corporate policies and seemingly powerless corporate-controlled governments

to express support for the rebuilding of the political structure and society

to resist the attitude of surrender and defeat

Are there other identifiable, concrete reasons to occupy streets of significant address in countries across the globe?


Please click here to read more about resistance to change.


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