Did your mother occasionally say, “Here, try this on. It doesn’t fit your [insert appropriate relative here, e.g. older brother, sister, cousin Therese, Uncle Louie, Grandpa Jones] anymore.”
My mother said it to me many times and would usually add - to help close the deal - it’s too good to throw out, or, there’s still a lot of wear in it, or, you can’t always have new, Gordie.
And I just got used to ‘used stuff.’
[Sexy, and at home in my workshop: photo GAH]
I share this delightful piece of family history to partly explain why I paid 10 bucks for a used straw hat from Caracas recently, whereas a reader (Silver) said they wouldn’t, but would smile with me or at me while I practice my habit.
I say ‘partly explain’ because there may be other reasons I don’t mind buying hand-me-downs or used.
I mean, the hat looks really sexy on me. And who can afford to fly to Venezuela to buy a straw hat?
I’ll try not to overuse the sexy angle. Some of you have seen me in person. Sexy doesn’t cut it, I know.
Dusty? Cheerful? Has his own teeth? More likely.
Hey, if you've got it, flaunt it!
We're all sexy to someone (I think. I hope. I better as Mr. B!)
Hi Kathleen,
My wife does like the hat, and the guy under it - bonus.
I think your wife should be a guest blogger sometime! I'd sure like to hear her take on your adventures.
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