He recently made the news with his latest message - to go meatless on Mondays.
Why eat less meat?
Less methane would be produced.
Less stress on the environment.
Fewer factory farms.
Less consumption in all areas related to basic needs (e.g. food, clothing, shelter) and transportation, communication and recreation would benefit Mother Earth and future generations.

McCartney also points out that we eat to excess and we’d be doing our bodies a favour if we consumed less meat.
He says, “You’re all running down to the gym to try and work it off so just have a meat-free Monday.”
I’ve always liked The Beatles and I like that message too. Maybe we could give beans and peas more room on our plates.
Live small and prosper.
Does another musician you enjoy have a positive message to share re the environment?
Nice post, Gord. I'm not quite ready to go vegetarian yet (still love my Walleye), but I like the idea of a community-wide effort like meatless Mondays.
I'm fond of Jack Johnson's "With My Own Two Hands" song for children on the Curious George soundtrack.
Jimi Hendrix - "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know true peace."
I've posted it on my blog in the past.
"Give peas a chance" - that is priceless! Not a half bad idea either.
I know - it isn't exactly aimed at the environment, but isn't war pretty darned destructive to the environment?
Hi Kathleen
I like the idea of a meatless day because it would soon become a habit. I think saying "I'll eat less meat" gets lost in the busy shuffle called life.
Grandson Ollie likes Curious George so I'll look for your song.
Thanks for the comment.
Hi Bobbie,
I think Jimi got it right with his words. If power was shared equally the earth would be a healthier environment for all creatures.
Good thoughts.
Mr. McCartney is so right, especially about the portions that are served in restaurants and that we collectively eat.
Fun post. Paul's reasons for meatless Mondays are all very sound.
Mark Bittman has a new book out, "Food Matters", which is a great read and very informative, plus good recipes.
A Beatle and Bittman -- that could be the title of a collaborative book.
Hi Jane,
While a friend ate a jumbo hot dog at Pt. Bruce on Sunday I realized why so many people have bodies that look like what he was eating.
(Why did he order it?
A. it is year's supply of nitrates for only $3.95
B. it was one of the cheapest things on the menu
C. We'd skipped breakfast to get an early start on the bikes and he was starving)
I'll do a post, complete with pictures. Scary.
Hi Pyzahn,
Thanks for your comment.
I'll look for the book you mention. Have you read Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan?
After reading it I'm tempted to trap squirrel's (Superman's friend or not) and try Brunswick Stew.
Gord H.
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