moose at Manitou

first lone moose
spotted near a cedar shore
head visible above water
leisurely tearing leaves
from a fallen branch.
the canoes drifted too close
and the moose soon bolted
on long black legs
into safe scrub brush.
second sighting, on Manitou Lake
huge muscular unassuming beasts
perhaps near-sighted
but so alert -
twitching ears caught every sound.
two stood knee deep
in long marsh grass
five canoes, silent, still,
approach cautiously
‘til the spell is broken
we exchange stares
with odd silent creatures.
did they hear us breathe?
only a few agile strides needed -
the two disappeared.
More prose and song lyrics at Hit Singles by G. Harrison
My last moose encounter occured in 2007 while motorcycling on the Trans-Canada highway between Wawa and White River. A lone moose seemed to be the only inhabitant of that lonely stretch of highway.
Have you enjoyed a moose sighting lately? Where?
That's beautiful, Gord.
And thank you for sharing your observations.
I'm afraid that, as a musher, my moose opinions are jaded.
It's good to see another side.
As our canoes drifted toward the first, lone moose in a slow current, our hearts were in our throats.
They can be dangerous, but he just ran away.
Awesome still.
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