Materials - white cedar, light blue stain.
Progress - I'm way ahead of schedule.
Yesterday, after adding a bit of detail to a dozen birdhouses in preparation for Saturday’s sale on The Village green, I noticed the sun was shining on my work deck outside the workshop door next to the garden.
["Outside the workshop door the sun was shining": photo GAH]
Time to cut lumber for chairs, I thought.
I counted the cedar cut offs I had, figured there were enough for six chairs if I was careful, and selected 75 pieces, ample for five comfortable chairs - two for the deadline, one for my starving-artist brother, and two for my own deck or yard.
By 6:30 p.m. the 75 cut offs were ripped to the proper width, the neighbourhood smelled like a cedar sawmill and I was covered in fine dust from head to foot.
As I swept up I felt I could have all five done by the weekend, about two weeks ahead of schedule.
Drat! I sneezed, shook off a thick cloud of dust and had to start sweeping all over again.
Then I noticed my motorcycle’s front tire peeking out from under a tarp and catching rays from the setting sun.
I thought, if tomorrow is nice we should do a bit more bonding, you and I.
["A ride to Pt. Bruce - bonding time": photo GAH]
And now, as I sip my first coffee of the new day I notice the sun is bright and warm.
I bet two chairs can still be finished by Monday, way ahead of June 18.
A little flexibility is important, isn’t it?
You've got to live in the moment! It's all we really have, no?
And I still need to bond with a Virago, Kathleen.
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