Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Deforest City Blues PT 4: Where do Londoners get complete news?

If you want complete news don’t look to Quebec Media Inc. or the QMI Agency, the money and mindless muscle behind our local paper, The London Free Press.

Sometimes, a letter addressed to the editor contains more truth than a QMI editorial.

Case in point: Shortly after an editorial entitled ‘Canada must take lessons from European debt woes’ (Dec. 28, 2010) hit the streets, a reader responded with some valuable information.

Margaret Hoff wrote this letter:

“The QMI Agency editorial... concluded Canada must cut spending on social programs like full-day kindergarten so we won’t have the problems of Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain. None of these countries have full-day kindergarten programs.” (Jan. 3, 2011, London Free Press)

(Geesh. You would think a newspaper editor would know stuff like that. Sorry, I digress).

“The countries in Europe that have outstanding childcare programs are the countries that are bailing out the others. They have learned that spending money on quality childcare is an excellent investment that reduces other government costs.”

(Geesh. You would think a newspaper editor would know... sorry, I digress).

“The Ontario full-day learning system needs tweaking, but will demonstrate its value in years to come.”

(Geesh. Sorry).

I think QMI is short on details related to the good that public programs can accomplish and the high costs associated with subsidizing businesses across Canada because it’s too busy applying a thick coat of black paint, or ink, to the public sector.

Why so much black ink?


Please visit Deforest City Blues Pt 1 here.

Please visit Deforest City Blues Pt 2 here.

Please visit Deforest City Blues Pt 3 here.


1 comment:

grahame said...

Full day kindergarten is working. Based on international test scores and evaluation, Ontario has one of the top 10 education systems in the world. Ontario’s education progress report has just been released. See it here: