Our neighbours are away and after my wife checked on their empty house (well, it is now! Nice stereo, Dear) she returned to say, “Their house is pretty cold but it’s because they turned down their furnastat before leaving.”
That’s one.
Civic workers in Deforest City missed an average 18.5 days of work last year while the national average stood at 9.7, and local city councillor Bernie MacDonald wants to get rid of deadbeats at city hall with high absenteeism rates because in his words;
“[Deadbeats] are dragging down the average for a lot of good people.” (Free Press)
Think, Bernie. Which way do you want the average rate to go? Up or down?

Pick one - carefully.
(I don’t know why Bernie gets so hot under the collar. Maybe he’s turned his furnastat up too low.)
That’s two.
And for those of you who always thought the light of day was the sun I read the following in the same Free Press article re absenteeism:
Bernie’s fellow councillor Paul Van Meerbergen said;
“If ever there was a city issue that needed the light of day under it, it’s this one.”
Paul needs to get out more, see how the sun works, and even if he means to use a flashlight, it’s mighty hard to get one under the issue.
Done. (I don’t mean the issue.More light will be shed upon it today.)
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