[Our philosophy re explosives until 1970 was this; if we can’t shoot them at people we’ll toss them into the water.]
You didn’t write?
Well, I did, and I just heard back.
Dear Mr. Harrison:
Thank you for your correspondence regarding the presence of UXOs in Canadain waterways and their potential impact to fish and fish habitat. The Dept. of National Defence is the lead on issues pertaining to UXOs blah blah blah I have taken the liberty of forwarding a copy of your letter to my colleague, the Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of national Defence blah blah.
Sincerely, Loyola Hearn. P.C., M.P. (on behalf of all of Canada incl. the fish)
I thought, geez, my concern about bombs is just one step removed from the office of the Prime Minister of Canada.
I may never eat fish sticks again!
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