Really. I can cut the grass in 5 minutes and 2 of that is used unwinding and rewinding the 100 ft. electric power cord.
["A small fire in the backyard. Don't tell the Fire Dept.": photos GH]
I have so much extra cord I’ve taken to cutting the weeds in the shared back laneway just to get some extra use out of the last 50 feet of cord and 3 minutes of my grass cutting time.
It's a two-level yard, so, we step out onto a back deck and then must climb down a few stairs to get to the yard.
["The reflection in The Annex window tells me fall is coming."]
The yard contains a wee work deck outside my shop, two lovely spruce trees (we had a third but I chopped it down to make room for what follows) and The Annex, a shed for the lawn mower and surplus wood. There is always surplus wood.
["Should I turn the piece of maple limb into a birdhouse?"]
Once I discovered that fact I began thinking about having a firepit, and this summer I was given a truck tire rim.
I dug a hole 2 - 3 weeks ago in the middle of the lawn and dropped the rim inside.
["I guess I have enough matches for today's fire."]
Guess what?
I don’t have as much surplus wood anymore.
And because of the trees and privacy fence and comfy chairs I now have the perfect spot to sit and relax for 30 minutes or so every once in awhile and dream up my next project.
["Dreaming. How did my feet get so big?"]
And if I dream up anything this afternoon you’ll be the first to know.
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