19 of 20 proposed projects will likely begin as early as 2011 in Ontario.
1 of 20 was recently cancelled, because concerned citizens made an effort to save a significant plot of arable land.
I support their cause. We should save arable land and put it to good use.
["Fields of white beans border the Lake Erie shoreline": photos GH]
And I believe it’s possible to save more than we already do.
["Soy and corn grow back to back in may plots of land"]
For example, much of the farmed land surrounding Deforest City is covered at this time with healthy crops of white and soy bean and corn.
A lot of those crops are destined for the beef and pork industry, and many would say Ontarians benefit greatly as a result, especially after the corn has been passed through a cow or a pig.
["More corn, more soy, more soy, more corn"]
Interestingly enough, cows are grass eaters (thus the second stomach) and must be force fed a lot of chemicals along with the corn in order to keep their health up to standard. Grass would be a healthier diet - for the cows and those who feast on them - but it would take beef producers almost twice as long to get the cattle to the slaughter house and we wouldn’t want that, would we?
‘Cause business is business and the beef business is big business closely connected to the fossil fuel industry.
Knowing this, it may make much sense to preserve more arable land for sustainable food products - and even a few solar arrays if no one wants to plant fruits or vegetables - by reducing our meat consumption by 5 - 10 % for the remainder of 2010.
["Reduce meat consumption, save more arable land"]
Then, if we survive the minor change to our diets, reduce meat consumption even more in 2011.
(I bet most readers would survive quite well. Many would even look more svelte. Now, isn’t svelte a word you’d love to hear in the same sentence as your name?)
Ontario - produce less pork and beef and more sustainable energy.
Now, there’s a campaign slogan for a brave politician, eh?
Only good will come from reducing meat and dairy products.
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