Last Monday evening I rode 50 miles on my recumbent exercise bicycle. Whew. Longest ride ever.
["Rule 1. Air out the shoes": photos GH]
Tuesday I ran 4.5 miles, after a two-year hiatus from going outdoors in running shorts.
Wait, I lied. I didn’t run.
["For now, I'm more like Jello-man!"]
I walked, I jogged, I shuffled, I wheezed like an old train with rusted sprockets - you know the kind. And, my gosh, my legs were as white as Bambi bread. Look away!
On Wednesday I played hockey, and if I recall correctly, I actually had glide in my stride and covered the black team’s best man like a blanket.
["I'm ready to roll on the exercise bike"]
On Friday I rode another 35 miles and on Sunday I walk-a-jogged another 5.5 miles (good for 11 points, based on a complicated series of mathematical calculations and some knowledge of the position of the moon at the time).
["I aim for 100 points or miles per week. So far so good"]
At this rate I should be ready for a half-marathon before Dec. 31 rolls around and - quite possibly - beat The Swede into the ground.
Tonight, if there’s a full moon, I’ll aim for 6.0 miles.
It's a long and winding road that I'm on.
Your mathematical devotion to getting out there is inspiring. How opportune, then, that I'm reading this just after returning from a sweltering ride in major winds. My soul is practically singing!
Can't wait to hit the road again.
While returning from St. Marys this p.m. (got into town shortly after you posted your comment), I passed two cyclists on Prospect Rd, and wondered how bicyclists can put up w the wind. I was having a hard enough time on my motorcycle.
Good work out there!!
My running will be a snap comapred to your workout.
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