‘Cause, if we’re not searing corn-fed beef on our BBQs we’re playing video games around here.

[“Another close game. We’re in the final seconds...”]
If I sound cynical it’s because I am.
Not that the jobs aren’t welcome. If 10 million bucks from the federal government and millions more from corporate supporters and London’s city council ($5 million) can make London a player and employ scores of people, then who am I to besmirch the plan?
[Definition - besmirch v.t. sully, smear, make off-colour remarks, i.e., there had better be a Plan B, fer Pete’s sake]
And, of course, there likely is a Plan B.
I imagine it’s this: While the gamers are occupied (I won’t be among them. The last video game I played was Pong in 1978 and I won 15 - 12. It was a real nail-biter. Sorry, I digress), the powers that be in Deforest City will develop a small, perhaps even sustainable economy that is based on the construction of small living spaces, e.g., homes and apartments in the 900 sq. ft. range.
Smaller than average fridges and stoves will be required and we’ll build them.
Smaller sinks, tubs, mirrors, medicine cabinets and bathroom fixtures will be required and we’ll produce them.
Smaller heating and cooling units, smaller cars for the smaller parking spaces, smaller computers and TVs and stereos for the smaller dens and bedrooms, smaller packaging for smaller boxes of beef for the smaller BBQs, etc., etc., will be required and we’ll manage to find a way to produce as many items as possible right here in Deforest City.
That’s Plan B, for sure, eh. (It's in tune with 'get small before you get low.')
And as soon as the video-game thingy is up an running smoothly I’m sure we’ll forge ahead with it.
I think I’m 5 - 10 years away from moving from our small house to an even smaller apartment.
I don’t want the headache of maintaining a house through another recession, and another one after that, and another one after that.
Now that I’m thinking of it, I’m ready for a game of Pong.
I heard about this on the Venerable CBC this morning and I was amazed to hear that this building will employ only 30 people, yet create thousands of jobs? I don't understand that at all. And what use will this be? We don't need more video games!
But I'm ranting now.
I like a good rant, Jess, so fire away at any time.
I think there's an economy and money to be made spear-heading the development of small homes.
Of course, I'm only 5' 6" tall and could make do with a shoebox.
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