(No gifts or cards are required. However, I may be biking to Bayfield later this afternoon and anybody who slips me a fiver to help with higher fuel costs would be a real peach in my book.)
After a tough delivery Ollie started life with hip dysplasia, had to be in a corrective and stabilizing harness for several months, endure many check-ups and the parents worried about his future for some time.

The kid came through with flying colours and I’m as proud of him as anyone could be.
Because my wife and I care for him 3 - 4 days per week and he runs to my study first thing after he’s dropped off in the morning I’m reminded of his stellar health and positive attitude on a regular basis.
Today I officially declare that Oliver Michael is the Cutest Kid in the Universe.
Other proud parents and grandparents can try to prove me wrong if they’d like!
Hi, thanks for the visit and your comment on my blog. I'll have to argue with you there. I think I have the cutest grandchild in the universe. You can scroll odwn on my blog and see for yourself.
Grandchildren are great, aren't they. As someone said, "If I'd known they would have been this much fun, I would have had them first."
beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it's great to be a beholder.
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