It’s July 1, 2008, a beautiful day, Simon and Garfunkel are singing ‘Bye Bye Love’ on my old radio, somebody has to say it and it might as well be me.
The New Age of Austerity in North America begins today.
Write it down.
(I was going to call the new era the Age of Reason, Restraint, Rations and Restrictions but just try saying that 3 times fast or putting it into a song title.)
Since the price of oil is going nowhere but up and almost everything we do and drive is touched by oil’s dirty little hand we should start cutting back as Eric Margolis concluded in a recent, well-written column:
“Most analysts believe oil will stay above $100 from now on. Meaning North Americans better get used to small cars, small portions, small homes and smaller waistlines.”
["Live small, prosper, make room for others" GAH]
Though it the last sentence sounds like our long road trip is coming to an end I believe we can ‘live small and prosper’ and enjoy productive, healthy and purposeful lives.
Because austerity and creativity often go hand in hand.
[Click here to read a bit about austerity and self-reliance.]
Hey Gord, have you checked out the Riot for Austerity group on Yahoo? Or their blog at There are some really committed people in the group, and then some newbies like myself who are just learning to live small and prosper.
I second your declaration, by the way. All those in favor, plant a garden :)
I saw which way the wind was blowing several years ago. I told my family, and they thought I was a conspiracy theorist. Now they see.
Validation is good, but having dire predictions pan out is bad. I wouldn't mind the world proving me wrong sometimes.
Hi theresa, I think we'll see more gardens, even in the front yard, as early as next spring.
thanks for the link to riot4austerity; very, very interesting.
austerity will be so hard for some people, especially in the transportation dept.
After a recent bicycle ride thru a new subdivision (cookie cutter cubicles) I realized the residents were in such a desolate area, miles from the simplest amenities. One or two cars will be a necessity for so long many will be doomed to debt.
such news will make a cheery column in the near future.
gord h.
hi smarmoofus,
having a touch of 'contrariness' and not taking everything at face-value comes in handy but it doesn't make for cheerful talk around the supper table when big changes seem necessary.
keep well,
gord h.
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