Though the city’s CO2 emissions in four sectors - transportation, residential, industrial (including commercial and institutional) and landfill - have stabilized, two sectors have made excellent reductions.
For example:
Residential and landfill greenhouse gas emissions were reduced by 9 and 18 per cent respectively between 1990 and 2007.
See, we can be a creative city.
I admit, our transportation emissions did not change and industrial emissions increased by 8 per cent in the same time period, thereby causing overall reductions to average out to minus one per cent, and things don’t look good according to the latest challenge issued by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (they’re calling for 90 per cent reductions of emissions by 2050), but a new corner is surely about to be turned.
As fuel prices rise I’m optimistically pessimistic our creative side will burst its seams.
Or pessimistically optimistic. Whichever comes first.
[I’m not always optimistically pessimistic. Click here to read my recent column in The Londoner]
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