Columnist Eric Margolis recently shed some light:
““Most analysts believe oil will stay above $100 from now on. Meaning North Americans better get used to small cars, small portions, small homes and smaller waistlines.” [Click here for full story]
The four smaller items he mentions will be a step in the right direction don’t you think?
Live small also means (among many other things) we will not be able to rely on cheap transport to bring practical or exotic goods from around the world to our kitchen table.
We will learn to rely more on goods that are closer at hand.

[An elderberry bush: view in context]
Near my home are many fine elderberry plants invisible to those who don’t recognize their distinctive blooms in early summer and their fruit in the fall. (I’d tell you where they are but then I’d have to... you know the rest.)
And while motorcycling to Fenelon Falls last year I passed through the centre of the elderberry universe on Highway 48, north and east of Newmarket.
I saw millions of dollars worth of beautiful pies hanging from long rows of healthy elderberry bushes.
Fortunately, by some fluke they hadn’t been cut down or buried under a parking lot.
Hundreds of other hardy and hearty native plants await our rediscovery.
Can you name three more?
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