[My son - centre - inherited my crooked nose: photo by GAH]
They are looking forward to continuing friendships made during training and getting to work, some as early as this morning at 6 a.m.
[Graduation is over, the training tower fades into the background: photo GAH]
My son is now stationed at a hall in south-east Toronto, close to Kingston Rd., and is, according to City-TV news, on the job at a highrise apartment (Danforth and Dawes) that suffered an explosion on Sunday, forcing all 900 residents to evacuate.
I think he'll remember his first day at work a lot longer than I ever did.
Can you recall your first day at a new job?
Wow! Now THAT is a memorable first day on the job! Congrats to him for finishing training/school... and to such an admirable position/vocation.
I recall one "first day" that I had at a gift shop. The manager glared at me the whole time (her boss had hired me as he knew me from another place I worked that he owned that had closed) and I think she thought I got the job dishonorably (I DID NOT!!!) So, I was pretty much not in her favor from the get-go... and I sealed my fate when I could not wrap a present properly and did not know what "Mikasa" was. The nice boss man found me a job at another one of his businesses... because I was a hard worker. (Sorry I got so WORDY with my comment! Hope your son did well on the first day of his job... will you worry much about him?)
heidi, such a good comment!
i would have been fired too.
I would have asked, Mikasa who?
Mikasa is... ?
cheers, gord h.
Mikasa is a brand of fine dinnerwear... plates... china... stuff like that. Yeah, not that important to some of us.
Mikasa mystery - now cleared up. dinnerware was way down low on my list of 'guesses' though I knew it had to be something for micasa, my home.
thanks, heidi.
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