Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Is It Just Me? Stephen Harper gives me the willies

willies - n. pl. (sl.) nervous feeling of discomfort or fear. [19th c.; orig. unkn.]

Though I think he’s about as normal as acid rain falling in my living room he’s going about the country in a blue shirt and vest trying to come off like a Wimpy.

Wimpy - n. (colloq.) hamburger served in plain bun. [P]

I think Mr. Harper can wear a blue sweater and vest, sit down at the piano or play catch on the front lawn with his kids all he wants, but as soon as I see some of the grown ups he welcomes into his fold I realize he’s the kind of man who can strip paint off the hood of my car with one cold stare.

Like acid rain.

For example, Harper’s Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz said dealing with the media and the issue of deaths related to deadly listeriosis was “like death by a thousand cuts. Or should I say cold cuts.”

And when informed the latest death was in PEI Ritz said:

“Please tell me it’s Wayne Easter,” the Liberal agriculture critic. (Link to newspaper article)

That’s a good one, Gerry.

Rather than dismiss Ritz, Harper stands by him.

The willies, I say. The willies.

Howz about you?


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