Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Harbour Light still shines in Irvine, Scotland

Last week I mentioned that I’d like to visit Irvine, SW Scotland, perhaps even raise a glass at The Harbour Lights Pub with members of the Skinner family that poured rum down my dad’s gullet to warm him up after his stint on a lonely sandbar during a training exercise.

I said to a recent caller that ‘I’ll get there someday,’ only to be told I should plan to go now.

That’s easy for some people to say. They’ve taken such a trip, found it highly rewarding and want others to fully enjoy the same while they can, and not put it off. Or they have no problem withdrawing a tidy sum from the bank and arranging for the next flight. And so on.

But with me, money is always a factor (and last year’s house reno put more than a minor dent in my financial picture), and though I’m ready to start saving up ‘right away,’ it will be some time before I’ll be sitting down with the Skinners for a cold brew.

["Irvine, Scotland. Lots of water, one could easily get missed out there."]

However, can I have a bit of fun in the meantime?


With the help of Google I discovered that The Harbour Lights Pub still survives on Harbour St., Irvine.

I’ll write the proprietor(s) a letter, and ask if any ‘world-famous’ Skinners frequent their establishment on a regular basis.

Surely someone will remain who is connected with the story my father told.


It’s worth a try. If I contact a Skinner I can always raise a glass in my kitchen or workshop.


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