Saturday, November 21, 2009

If my wife says I’m getting better...

... Then I must be getting better.

From my point of view, I know the flu is moving on down the road because I posted my responses to a couple of newspaper clippings yesterday.

And typed up a letter addressed to a pub in Scotland and finished two more four-plexes and did a weird little dance to a Wilco tune while sweeping the workshop floor just before closing time.

["Rescued lumber becomes a four-plex": photo GAH]

From my wife’s point of view, I’m making some of my own meals, taking a shower at my regular time, making jokes (though they’re still not funny) and staying up later than earlier in the week (though twice I fell asleep watching the news).

And I look good enough to take her out for coffee this morning.

So, I must be feeling better.



Kathy Smith said...

I love your blog and your birdhouses. Any idea when I can pick it up for my brother and his wife.

I don't have a balcony or I'd get one for me too. Hell I might get two anyway.

I'm still working on the Over55 stuff. I'd love to run my ideas by you.


G. Harrison said...

Hi Kathy,

I just sent a message re the birdhouses via FB.

I'm happy to deliver, two to choose from at the moment.

You are also welcome to drop by, at your convenience, the shop isn't too messy, and we could discuss Over55. Whatever you would prefer.


Gord H.