I list them here, along with another useful link (bottom) to a CBC program, in the hope that you’ll search for the book.
I don’t usually go to this length to shine a spotlight on another person’s book (I haven’t, have I?), but I know, after reading about 60 per cent of the text myself, many will be better informed, few will be disappointed, no matter where they stand on the climate change issue.
["Happy trails": photo of Lake Superior sunset by GAH]
And now, three brief diversions:
Click here to read his first conclusion for context.
Click here to read his second conclusion for context.
Click here to read his third conclusion for more context.
His fourth conclusion is as follows:
And fourth, for every degree that the average global temperature rises, so do the mass movements of population, the number of failed and failing states, and very probably the internal and international wars. Which, if they become big and frequent enough, will sabotage the global cooperation that is the only way to stop the temperature from continuing to climb.
Mr. Dyer concludes his conclusions with a quick tie up, part of it below:
...As a species, we have reached critical mass. There are now so many of us and we consume so much that it would take about thirty percent more planet than we actually have to support us sustainably. If all the rest of the world’s people attained a “Western” standard of living, we would need three to four planets.
That last statement reminds me of something I read in Ronald Wright’s book entitled A Short History of Progress, but I’ll perhaps refer to that at a later date.
For now, if you are interested in more information about Climate Wars and wish to hear CBC Radio One audio files related to the author and text, click here now.
Happy trails!
Once again, you have touched on a very appropriate subject just as we reach time for the Thinking Green Thursday meme.
I hope you don't mind if I link to you for a second post this week. Climate Change is such an important and timely topic.
Hi anonymous,
this site and its sister site (Hit Singles) has become an archive for me; as my thoughts change re the world around me I record them here. it's a valuable record for me. plus, I seem to have an opinion about everything!
hi bobbie,
thanks again for visiting. please link up at any time.
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