He began by saying the following in yesterday’s issue of The London Free Press:
For some time now, Environment Minister Jim Prentice has stated that Canada will harmonize its climate change approach with the United States. That of course makes sense.
Geez, we’re in trouble.
Linking our CO2 reductions to the USA’s idea of a plan is as close to doing nothing as a country can get. Thank you Mr. Harper for your good sense.
When economic harmony out trumps environmental policy we play the ‘business as usual’ game, the one we’re fated to lose as far as clean air, water and land is concerned.
Later Solberg writes:
...simply planting a tree or two does more to fix environmental problems than even the cleverest insights from our wisest environmentalists.

["Simple is as simple does"]
Every Canadian need only plant one or two trees? And our problems are solved?
No. The problem with Conservative simplicity, in this case, is that it doesn’t take into account that trees are being ripped from the ground by industry faster than ordinary Canadians can plant them.
Likewise, if Canada simply follows the US lead we’ll perhaps maintain some stability in our economic approach to life but our environment will continue along its deeply troubled course - trees or no trees.
If you buy into Monte’s simplistic approach, nod your head.
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