I should have written the above at about 7:45 this morning, right after hearing a CBC radio host express astonishment, shock, fear, disappointment, and a multitude of other strong emotions because our team lost to the other team.
The host made it sound as if the sky went as black as a puck when the Canadian boys fell short to the US team.
Ever since the first sporting event took place about three weeks after the dawn of time, but way before instant replay from 40 camera angles and slow motion so slow TV viewers can see remnants of steak sauce on the cheeks and double chins of rushing linebackers, the rules of sportsmanship have dictated that losers congratulate the winners, smack each other on the bums (while wearing well-padded hockey gloves), retire to the dressing room and put fresh tape their sticks in preparation for the next game.
And not whine about what could have been.
["Be a good sport. No whining allowed": photos by GAH]
So, borrowing the words of Doug Avey, my old hockey coach, “Get some sleep. We play again on Tuesday against the Germans.”
(Mr. Avey was greeted by several blank stares when he said that in 1964 because our next game was against Delhi).
There. Don’t you feel better?
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