(Definition: spout - verb; rant, ramble, say more than needed, yada yada)
I have good reason to now. The President of the entire USA is listening.
Recently I said a few words about America’s crushing debt, i.e., the US government will borrow $1.9 trillion to pay its bills, raising the so-called debt limit to $14.3 trillion - more than $45,000 for every person living in the US.
I also mentioned some of the likely consequences, i.e., the co-joined US and Canadian economies will suffer, future damages and costs of possible reparations will rise, leading our overall household debt to rise even more.
Shortly thereafter, my site meter recored a visit from Washington, District of Columbia.
I think President Obama visited, and found my ideas very useful.

["All visitors from Washington, DC are welcome": photo link]
I bet he also linked to information from a useful book I am reading that will help us all out.
[Click here for information related to a book the brings some useful ideas to the table.]
May I just say, “Welcome to Canada, Mr. President. And keep your stick on the ice.”
Who is visiting your site?
Can you beat a visit by The US President?
I cannot beat a visit from the US president. But I have received several hits on this blog from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Even the Mounties can act stupidly
And after calling Mark Steyn a Nazi, and dismissing his writing as garbage, he paid a visit and put a link to my blog in his blog as "reader of the day", resulting in, many of his readers leaving borderling insulting comments on my blog.
My Blog about Mark Steyn and Propaganda
That was my most interesting visitor ever. I still think I can write funnier stuff than Mark Steyn.
What a great comment and experience, LM.
I may be wrong about Obama so I give you the gold star for now.
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