Please note: I hate being called a consumer, but I like the fact that more and more Canadians are heeding my words (“reduce spending, pay down debt, save money for tough times ahead”; yeah, a hard rains a-gonna fall).
During an age of austerity people like you and I may realize we don’t need as much stuff as we’re used to showering upon ourselves.

["Feed the piggy. Don't be one."]
That’s a good thing.
Our rampant consumerism brought about the big box store with shelves piled high to the ceiling with goods from around the world, chiefly from China in the case of Dollar Stores, Wal-Mart, Canadian Tire etc.
As retail sales drop, perhaps we’ll achieve some sort of balance between what we really need and what we buy.
Perhaps our debt levels will come under control and we won’t keep driving the economy to the detriment of the environment.
Good thing.
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