I bet he's trying to soothe the sinking feeling he gets whenever he looks at recent popularity polls. And rattling his plastic saber on behalf of the law and order boys in his backroom would surely make him feel a bit better.

“Canada will use its G-8 presidency to continue to focus international attention and action on the Iranian regime,” says Harper. (Feb. 11, London Free Press)
And away from the fact Canada’s parliament is suspended again, he should have added.
As Iranians everywhere say things like, who is this man Harper, doesn’t he live 14,000 miles away, he doesn’t even sit in government right now, at least the Conservative law and order crowd should be appeased.
Will PM Harper rise in your favour again?
Answer to the question, will he rise in my favour again? No, mainly because I'm one of those who never have liked him at all. I think he is very clever in concealing his true agenda (similar to the Bush regime), and he is also clever at handing out government money as though it was his own.
you're right on both counts.
he conceals his agenda well; I think his inability to cooperate w others will keep him in minority territory for his lifetime as PM, though even w minority we get a sniff of his deceptiv nature.
he does hand out a lot of money; i've heard it said he wants gov't spending to go down but he has the largest PMO in recent memory.
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