Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bits and Pieces: What do you call that flap of skin...

Good grief. I’m getting old... or something.

I just got back from coffee, looked in the mirror and saw something I’d never seen before in my life, except on my Uncle Fred, and he’s in his late 80s.

I noticed a flap of skin drooping down over my eyelashes. What is that!?

["This is not a good look for me."]

Where the heck did that come from?

Maybe I’m hitting 80 in my 60s. Maybe this is nature’s payback for the gas guzzling 8 cylinder car I bought in the 1970s. Maybe I’m just dehydrated from too much coffee in the last week.

["Whatever it is, I don't need this.": photos GH]

Maybe certain genes are starting to exert themselves. Darn that Uncle Fred!


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