I sent him a copy after 11 p.m. last evening and at 7:13 this morning he responded while I was thinking about making coffee. (Beyond a doubt he is the second hardest working writer in Canada.)
I thought it fair to let you read his reply. Plus, it makes today’s second post easier to write.
Thanks for your views but I doubt most readers, particularly out West, will think it hysterical to suggest another National Energy Program will tear apart the country.
You might want to read up on the history of the NEP and how it permanently damaged east-west relations and destroyed the credibility of the federal Liberal party in Alberta.
When one of the two national parties capable of forming a national government can't elect more than one or two MPs in a region that is a major economic driver of the nation, and doesn't understand the outlook or perspective or sense of history of a "have" province paying billions of dollars every year into federal equalization payments to help out poorer provinces, that's bad for national unity.

[Number of Liberal Federal MPs in Alberta - zero]
Finally, a hint about critical writing.
When your only argument is to steal the argument of the author and suggest it applies to the author, it's usually an indication you don't have an argument of your own.
Lorrie Goldstein
I raised my half-empty coffee mug in salute and wondered, I didn’t have a single argument of my own?
I reached for the keyboard.
Tune in tomorrow, after coffee, for My Point of View, and His
Be sure to read Mr. Goldstein’s point of view in the London Free Press on June 9 (A hot summer doesn’t mean we’re doomed)
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