He said:
“Sounds like Tim Horton's created the drive-through concept as a great service aimed at solving all these people's problems, and had nothing to do with just "how can we sell more coffee? Come on guys, you do what you do to increase sales and profit, and for no other reason.” [Zap this for entire letter.]
Tim Hortons may indeed pour coffee for senior citizens who like someone else to make their coffee and cakes while they socialize with their friends.
But Timmies only do so because HIGH TRAFFIC VOLUME (cars, SUVs, trucks, camper vans, etc.) informs management there's a buck to me made - on this corner or that corner.

[Honk here to see lotsa traffic in context]
As fuel prices rise and traffic volume slowly decreases (along with closely related carbon emissions) so will the number of drive-thrus.
And some folks will have to kiss their social hour good-bye.
(Or stay out of unfamiliar territory during a storm).
Zap this to read My Point of View: We’re putting a lot of miles on the drive-thru issue Part 1
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