I don’t think it’s a Liberal tax on EVERYTHING as the Conservatives are claiming.
But we will soon know if Federal Liberal Leader Dion reveals his party’s carbon tax plan before parliament closes its doors for the summer.
I’m prepared to listen very closely (I’ll even turn off my music), make marginal notes and squint real hard as I examine the fine points because a lot is at stake due to our excessive carbon emissions.
For example, in a recent opinion piece (Carbon zombies attack economy, June 12, Sun Media) Lorrie Goldstein wrote:
“All these schemes [i.e. carbon taxes (Liberals/Greens), cap-and-trade (NDP) and paying lip service to climate hysteria while preaching that reducing carbon emissions is simply a matter of hitting major emitters with tougher regulations (Conservatives)] amount to the same thing - ways to price carbon that will ultimately and unfairly impact on ordinary citizens.”
[He’s not the only person concerned about the fate of ordinary citizens or the less-fortunate.]
In my opinion, however, I think many other Canadians have a fairly thick cushion against hard times ahead.
If gas goes up another 25 cents they’ll give up eating street meat three or four times a week to help pay for gas.
I know for a fact many will give up cable, bottled water, soda pop, restaurants, movies, thick steaks on the old BBQ and a long list of other extras before say, carpooling. [Click here to see proof in an earlier column]
It may be the same with a carbon tax unless it's stringent enough to force most Canadians to THINK and actually reduce their footprint by walking to work, carpooling, taking mass transit, eating sensibly, locally and cheaply (no need, however, to go as far as eating bologna sandwiches on Bambi white bread) or living in a smaller house or with their children, parents or friends in a 3.600 sq. ft. condo in the ‘burbs.
I could be wrong.
So I’m prepared to look, listen and smell.
Coming soon - My Point of View Part 2: Carbon reductions and the age of austerity
[While you’re waiting click here to read my most recent column in The Londoner about the carbon tax.]
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