(Not trees. I’m too short.)
Carmi (journalist, photographer, stirrer of many interesting pots) at Written Inc. has created a unique challenge that every person with a camera will enjoy.
Oh, you like a challenge? Then dust off the camera and keep up with his weekly offering - Thematic Photographic.
This week’s theme: Glass.
Did I tell you I love it when things come in threes?
Yamaha thru one sheet of glass
Shopper thru two sheets of glass
Backwards in time thru glass
Click here to see a few other rough-edged pix.
You’re still here? Click here for more photos.
Have you watched the movie The Matrix? Apart from some cool Taoist themes, it also has some phenomenal glass/mirror themes/visuals. Well heck, now I may just have to plop it into my vintage VCR and watch it again!
theresa, good thought!
Last week, I stopped just outside Woodstock and shot a frighteningly similarly themed sideview mirror/roadside shot that, thanks to you, I'm now inspired to share on my blog. Watch for it in the days to come.
I'm a believer in clusters, too. Whenever a pair of whatever comes my way, I always watch for #3. It's inevitable. I hope you continue to shoot in threes, because these are wondrous for three very different reasons.
Motorcycle - tone and surface detail...I love how the chair almost introduces the bike, and how the surfaces of the bike softly gleam in sepia.
MacPherson Crafts - I wonder who's just beyond the door, why he's there and what his story is. The second-order framing - through the glass on this side of the street, then through the door on the other - only adds to the mystery.
Sideview - Looking forward while looking back; it's a treatment that just gets the mind racing about what was and what will be.
Thanks for reflecting the theme so profoundly. I guess I have my work cut out for me when I choose the next one this Wed.!
thank you for your thoughts about each picture. i thought the bike and chair belonged together (both have welcoming seats) and sturdy doors form a gateway to many stories. (The thickest, tallest doors I ever passed thru were in Martin Luther's church in Zurich. No photo unfortunately.)
the "Glass" theme brought out a lot of interesting pictures and comments back at written inc.
mojo has an eye for subjects and edits!
there seems to be something about sets of three. i wonder if anyone has done a study on it; mind, emotions, will; beginning, middle, end; easy, medium, difficult; loonie, toonie... sorry, got carried away.
keep well,
Gord H.
When I saw the side view mirror shot I immediately flashed on this photo.
It's from the blog maintained by one of your fellow Ontarians, singer/songwriter
Kathleen Edwards
Never mind The Matrix, I'm going straight for Asking for Flowers or Back to Me!
It took some effort, but I finally finally found your Thematic Photographic post (after reading the sixth Rule for Writing, and the most recent installment of your story, both of which were quite entertaining). And even if I'd been bored senseless viewing those other posts, it would have been worth it to find the Yamaha Through One Sheet of Glass. Of the three, that's my favorite.
I'm up, too, though not nearly as artistically as you...
mojo, thanks for link to photo and kathleen's website. I listened to her song (coincidentally, your email arrived during), right up my alley and will look for her CD(s) at local music shop after morning coffee.
smarmoofus should get a prize for determination - tracking me down (sometimes the journey's half the fun); plus, he made the first ever comment about HOT RED HEELS, my most recent short story.
readers, have some fun and start tracking both of the above writers/photographers.
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